Urbanisation in the world
Urbanization process is a domain of developing countries.
One of the results of the extremely high densities of fast-growing populations
is "wild development", leading to such negative social and ecological effects as:
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Water cycle in urban areas
Combined effects of urbanization, industrialization, and population growth greatly modify
landscapes and thus the continuous circulation of water within catchments and the Earth's
hydrosphere - the hydrological cycle [...]
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Urban Aquatic Habitats
Aquatic habitats are water bodies supporting aquatic life. Increased temperatures of effluents, greater discharges of water, pollutants and waste, and changes in water bodies morphology impact all the basic habitats characteristics.
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Urban Aquatic Habitats Management
A balanced approach addressing the pressing issues in urban environment is not common in the water service sector
[...] + more
Ecohydrology for Urban Aquatic Habitats
From the point of view of environmental science, urban environment can be considered as a highly condensed anthropogenic system, which is organised for efficient flow of water, matter, energy and information
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List of acronyms and abbrevations
ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources
AHP - Austrian Hydro Power, Inc
AMA - Active Management Area
BMPs - Best Management Practices
BR - biosphere reserve
CAP - canal Central Arizona Project canal
CAP LTER - The Central Arizona - Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research project
CC - Conservation Councils of Istanbul
CSOs - Combined Sewer Overflows
DCDC - Decision Center for a Desert City
DHKD - The Turkish Society for the Protection of Nature
GIS - Geographic Information System
GMA - Groundwater Management Act
IBA - Important Bird Areas of Turkey"
IPA - Important Plant Areas
ISKI - Istanbul Water and Sewage Board
IUWM - integrated urban water management
MAB - Man and the Biosphere Program UNESCO's
MGI - Municipality of Greater Istanbul
MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forestry -Nature Protection Directory
OW - The Omerli Watershed
SRF - short rotation forestry
SRP - Salt River Project
SWITCH - Sustainable Water Management Improves Tomorrow's Cities' Health (GOCE 018530). 6th European Union Framework Programme Integrated Project
UAE - United Arab Emirates
UAHM - Urban aquatic habitat management
UBR - Urban Biosphere Reserve
UHA - Urban Aquatic Habitat
UNCHS - United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT)
US ACE - US Army Core of Engineers
WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant
List of figures
Fig. 9.1. The Moddergat River (photo credit: E. Day)
Fig. 9.2. Moddergat River before intervention, showing deep, steep-sided channel in section recently dredged of reeds (Note: litter on channel edges, lack of connectivity between aquatic and terrestrial habitat; prevalence of invasive kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) along the channel margins (photo credit: CCA Environmental)
Fig. 9.3. Cobble-lined low flow channel, with vegetation established along the edge soon after completion of channel. (Rapid invasion of the channel by reeds (Figure 3) results in the long-term creation of a dense, reeded low flow channel - this could result in improved water quality in the main channel; photo credit: E. Day)
Fig. 9.4. View of grassed floodplain and densely reeded low-flow channel, four years after completion. (Dense reedbeds reduce in-stream habitat diversity but play a role in water quality improvement. Floodplain lacks heterogeneity, and has been landscaped purely for recreational and flood control purposes. The creation of minor depressions along the flood channel would have allowed the creation of seasonal floodplain wetlands photo credit: N. Newman).
Fig. 9.5. Wasit Nature Reserve (Photo credit: E. Day)
Fig. 9.6. Aerial view of Wasit Nature Reserve site, in Sharjah, UAE, bordering Ajman Emirate (Note: Phase 2 border extends beyond right side of the area shown) (after Day and Ewart-Smith 2005)
Fig. 9.7. Action plan for the rehabilitation of the Wasit wetlands (after Day and Ewart-Smith 2005)
Fig. 9.8. Impoundment on the Sokolowka River (photo credit: W. Fratczak)
Fig. 9.9. Streams catchments in the territory of the Lodz City (294 km 2) - the Sokolowka (northern part of the city) and Ner rivers (southern part of the city) serve as demonstration areas for implementation of ecohydrology in systemic urban water management (elaborated by: M. Grzelak based on the resources of the Marshal`s Office of the Lodz Voivodship)
Fig. 9.10. The general concept for municipal river restoration including the ecohydrology measures implemented in Lodz (Zalewski and Wagner, 2006, based on the material of the City of Lodz Office)
Fig. 9.11. Groundwater level as a key factor regulating a) biomas and bioenergy yield, and economic efficiency of energetic plantation and b) heavy metals phytoextraction and efficiency of floodplain restoration (Bocian, Sumorok, Zawadzka, unpublished).
Fig. 9.12. Restoration concept towards sustainable sewage system management: phytoremediation for sewage sludge utilization and bioenergy production (Zalewski and Wagner, 2006).
Fig. 9.13. 1 A stretch of the Adige River fluvial corridor (Turri & Ruffo, 1992)
Fig. 9.14. The Adige River fluvial corridor: (a) Location, (b) 11 Sub-sections analysed in the Basin, (c) Concentrations of urban settlements, (d) Adige basin, Adige River - Lake Garda tunnel, hydroelectric power station and locations of drinking water withdrawal points (from Braioni et al., 2005 b mod.)
Figure 9.15. Land uses in Sub-section 9 (Braioni, 2001)
Figure 9.16. Quality, degradation and risk assessment of Sub-section 9 (Braioni, 2001)
Figure 9.17. Implementation Model (from Braioni et al., 2001a)
Fig. 9.18 Yzeron River, Combined Sewer Overflows (Photo credit: P. Breil)
Fig. 9.19. Western suburb of Lyon city: unbalanced water resources and demands
Fig. 9.20. Results of the of bio-assimilation capacity assessment in the Yzeron Catchment: Stream network delineation of the filtering effect as a determinant of the bio-assimilation capacity; CSO structure (outfall) locations, and classification of habitats as balanced, at risk, and in critical situations.
Fig. 9.21. Kühwörther Wasser oxbow, Lobau wetlands, Vienna (© Janauer, 2006)
Fig. 9.22. Location of the Lobau Biosphere reserve in Vienna. (http://www.wien.gv.at).
Fig. 9.23. "Schwarzes Loch" floodplain lake in the Lobau Biosphere Reserve (© Strausz, 2006)
Fig. 9.24. General concepts of Implementation Scheme (© Janauer, 2006)
Fig. 9.25. Aerial photo of the the Omerli Watershed (Photo credit: A. Tezer)
Figure 9.26. Urban Expansion, Important Plant Areas (IPA), and Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the Province of Istanbul (Tezer, 2006)
Fig. 9.27. Omerli Dam and neighbouring heathlands (DHKD Archives)
Fig. 9.28. The Salt River
Fig. 9.29. Major water features in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, including prehistoric Hohokam Canals. (The Salt and Verde Rivers are tributaries to the Gila River, which in turn feeds into the Colorado River 100s of km away).
Fig. 9.30. Creation of aquatic habitats. ASTER satellite imagery of a suburban Phoenix area showing artificial lakes (in black).
Fig. 9.31. Photos of urban riparian areas in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (a, b and c )
List of tables
Tab. 9.1. Catchments characteristics of the two demonstration project rivers in Lodz
Tab. 9.2. Basic climatic characteristics of Vienna (Vienna, Hohe Warte)
Tab. 9.3. Recommended participants, land uses and possible impacts of the proposed Omerli Watershed UBR (Excerpted from Tezer, 2006)